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Progress Report

November 29, 2000

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A view of the new lodge coming in from the school section.

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Two walls of the second story are up.

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Looking at the new lodge from the house.

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The group is journeying out to look at the new walls.

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This is the view from that second story.

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These are the bedroom windows on the west side.

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Kent and Travis are raising the third wall on the second story.
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One of the views from the upper window.
Well I have some sad news to report, we lost a freezer full of hides today because the freezer came unplugged. No it was not still in the back of Clint's Truck. I also lost all my brains.  Toni didn't know how prophetic she was when she said that I didn't have enough brains to tan hides. I was a little disappointed, but I tried to put in perspective, no one had died (although it certainly smelled like they did.) Clint checked at the locker and we can still get some salted deer hides so that is what we are going to do.

Kent is picked up his brand new truck yesterday, it is a great big white with a tan interior. Monday the 19th  they will be putting the rafters up on the lodge. Gary Reese is bringing up his crane and it looks like it is suppose to be good weather tomorrow. 

Here is Dawn's rendition of  the lodge. You can see Toni's rocking chair sitting on the front porch. Dawn is also working on the web site for the History Ranch - this is the description she gave of the "Brothel" room: Hey, what can we say? It's a favorite, with a comfortable double size brass bed, red velvet wallpaper, plush velvet drapes & bedspread and crystal chandelier.  This corner room has two windows, one with a beautiful view of the Wyoming Mountain Range with its gorgeous sunsets and the pastoral valley scene and the other facing South Cottonwood Creek where deer and moose are frequently seen. Aunt Ilene can be seen leanignout the room window wearing her skimpy, lowcut revealing frock, smiling and waving to all the cowboys as they ride by.
Kent and Travis have the rooms upstairs all framed.
Pictures from November 18, 2000


The lodge with its new false front.

Looking down the hallway of the second floor.

Travis in one of the upstairs rooms.

Inside one of the rooms with the tub framed in.

Keith standing in one of the bathrooms.

Looking down the hallway, to the left will be a sitting area for the guests.
Putting up the rafters, November 20, 2000


Travis hanging above the lodge.

One of the window views on the second floor.



Tanner in the rafters.


A bird's eye view.
November 23, 2000 Pictures

As you can see the lodge is going up really fast. I took last week off to spend with Nick while he was here for Thanksgiving, so I am very behind on this web site.
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