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Progress Report

January 12, 2001

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Happy New Year everyone! I am glad to report that the roof is on the lodge. Last weekend Kent and Travis finished putting up the metal and the roof cap. This was a major accomplishment since they had to contend with so much ice and snow and ladders. It's such a good story I just have to tell it. Kent and Travis went out one morning to finish nailing the roof. Well they get all situated up there and as Travis tells it: Kent immediately knocks Travis's coffee off the roof. Then as Travis tells it: Kent manages to knock down the nails, you would think they might have gotten the hint right then that this might not be the day to be up on the roof. Then as Travis tells it: the next thing to go is the ladder, so these guys are stranded up on the roof. So they don't get shook up they just decide they will continue working but the problem with that is that they ran out of nails and besides Tanner is on the ground wanting to eat lunch. So they decide to try and use the nail gun to fish for the ladder. They even try to enlist Tanner's help in snagging it, but he would have none of it. Finally the hook the ladder and as they are dragging it up it comes apart into two pieces. So now they are up there with only half a ladder. Fortunately they were able to catch the other part and make it down off the roof. 
Now they are working on the electrical wiring, I bet they enjoy this part of the job a lot more than being 30 ft. up in the air in the cold winter weather.
Kent is going next weekend to take the outfitters test in Cheyenne. Toni and Aunt Shirley are going also and then will go on to Denver to see Tom & Izzy and maybe some of our O'Brien relatives as well. Once Kent takes this test he will have to meet with the State Outfitters Board the end of February. Then we will find out if we can transfer that forest camp permits and the BLM to the History Ranch. 
We have been having some discussion on how to promote the ranch especially this first summer. We are thinking of contacting certain groups that may want to rent our rooms and maybe some of the activities (horseback riding) but have their own agenda as well. If you can think of any groups that may have and interest, please let us know. Also if you have any ideas for promoting it let us know that too.
We have been starting to gather things to decorate the lodge. Toni bought some furniture that Travis's dad had made out of juniper. It is really beautiful most of it will be used in one of the rooms. There is a very beautiful table and lamp that we will use downstairs. (The furniture I bought I am keeping all for myself. I did have intentions of giving the chair to the History Ranch, but it just looks sooooo good in my house.)
We are going to have to build corrals this summer and do some clean up around the ranch, so if any ya' all want to come out to work (er uh I mean vacation) just let us know.
Below are pictures Clint took of the roofing. I can give these guys a bad time about their ladder episode, but one thing I know for sure I wouldn't have the guts to be up that high on a slippery sheet of metal. So we are all really grateful that Kent and Travis do have the courage.

January 6. 2001 Pictures

Travis is working on the roof most of us were too chicken to go out and watch them working up so high.

Travis and Kent had to tie themselves off so that the wouldn't go sliding off the roof.

You can see the ropes Kent has used to tie himself so he wouldn't fall.

They rented a lift to help get the sheets of metal up on the roof.

This is the south end of the building, there will be a staircase coming down the back.

This is the east side of the building, it faces out toward the school section.
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