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Progress Report

December 15, 2000

Well the guys certainly have been busy all the windows are in the lodge and next they will be putting the metal roof on and some of the rough lumber.
Lodge with its new windows.
Well I don't have much news to report other than the progress on the building. Clint has been reading about the buffalo. He also bought some more hides to replace those lost in the "freezer incident". I will probably try doing another hide within the next couple of weeks. Toni order an antique wringer on e-bay for me to use on the hides, but the guy sent a can of  tobacco. But I did finally receive the wringer I am thinking Toni didn't like being my wringing partner. Dawn has put up our web site at www.historyranch.com our add came out in the new February issue of Wild West magazine. Kent and Travis are going to be putting on the rough lumber and metal roof.  They also fixed all the ducts to the old ranch house so now we have heat to all the rooms except the living room. Toni got the forest permits turned in today.
The lodge front with new windows.
The front view of the lodge. The lodge faces north.
Interior with windows.
The new windows are in the main area and you can also see their makeshift workbench.
Picture windows facing west.
There are five picture windows along this wall which faces west. We also have a fireplace insert which will go invbetween the windows.
The new planer.
This is the boys new toy (er I mean tool). It's a planer they plan on covering the walls downstairs with wood so it should look really beautiful.
Door leading to deck.
This is the door between the stairway and kitchen. It will lead on to the deck.
Staircase with new boards.
They put the boards on the stairs.
Here are the electrical supplies and sinks that they will be putting in the lodge.
Upstairs windows
This is Ilene's bordello room with its new windows.
Installing big window.
They are getting ready to put in the largest window. It is on the second floor above the stairway and in the sitting room.
Moving the window upstairs.
Clint and Kent are moving it upstairs to install it.
Spidermen on board.
Dawn and I decided that these look those suction cup animals you stick to the window. Spidermen.
Window with a view.
Finally the window is in, don't panic those aren't UFO's they are just the labels on the window.
Kent's new rifle.
Kent has a new project building aGreat Plains rifle, basically it is a replica of a Hawkins black powder rifle used during the trapper era.
Stretching the hide.
These are old pictures of stretching my first hide.
Great help.
Look what great help I had.
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