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Progress Report

October 25, 2000

by Laurel

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Yes, this is the weekly update, nevermind that it has taken two weeks.
Alot has been happening at the ranch.
On Oct.14 they worked on the sewer. 
Cheryl, Vince and Mathiew came up to celebrate the little man's  first birthday.
Kent, Travis, Keith, Cody and Vince are digging some of the trenches for the septic system.  There is probably a more technical term for this but I have no idea what it is.  Now the sewer is finished and has been covered over.

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They have built a well house over the pump at the ranch house to keep the lines from freezing.
If you will notice the well house is located right on top of the best worm digging spot.

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Guys I realize we are have a equipment rental budget but this is rediculous, we also have a deadline to meet.
There have been some new improvements to the road. Kent and Travis have installed two new culverts in the school section, they are going to be hauling in some new gravel to finish out the job. I know that pictures of culverts in the road are not that exciting, but think how it will be even less exciting when we are not slip-sliding our way into the ranch.

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Last weekend, Keith and Cody came up to the ranch to help with cleanup. The boys were doing a great job picking up all the old wood, bed springs etc.
Here Toni and I practicing our old soft shoe. Toni felt right at home because it had just rained on the new floor. So she did her step-ball-change-slip-slip really well. Of course she comes by her talent naturally. At  least I think it  rained....AAH TONI!!!! You didn't do it again, did you?

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Well enough about us here is a look at the beginnings of the floor.
Toni and I went up last night and we were amazed at the progress on the lodge. Those guys have been working very hard up there as you can see by the pictures below. Kent and Travis are building the lodge faster than I can write these updates.  Tanya has been helping too, well kinda, she managed to staple a whole wall and didn't realize til they went to raise it that there weren't any staples in the gun.


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Here is a picture of the first wall. It has 5 huge picture windows.

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This is the second wall going up.

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Two walls done.

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One of picture windows with a great view of the Wyoming Range.

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Here is our Foreman checking the structure for soundness.

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Now he is the building inspector.

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All four walls are up.

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It's so exciting to have the walls up, next week the second story.
Ilene, Steven and Dale went up to Sandpoint, Idaho the last of Sept. to see the tree that was planted as a memorial to Mike. The Silver Legacy where Steve works had the tree planted in the Celebration Forest.
This is part of the e-mail from Steve:"Hope Mom has sent you pictures of Dad's tree.  The lady that owns the area wrote one of my co-workers (the one that ordered the tree), thanking him for us going out there.  She also said that if we have any suggestions or comments to let her know.  So if you guys have anything you would like to 
add, let me or Mom know." So let them know.

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We were thinking the other day, it would be nice to have a Celebration Forest of our own at the ranch, We could plant trees for all the people that have been a part and shared our love of the ranch. Let me know what everyone thinks of that idea. We could have some sort of marker at the base of each tree. 
Some E-Mail Responses
I thought everyone might enjoy reading these.
Hi Laurel Annie,

The ranch really is taking shape.  I bet you are all excited.  Go ahead and 
book me for the opening you have, (of course, I would come sooner but then 
you would probably put me to work HA-HA).

I have one question, what the hell is a "leech field"?  I have never heard 
of that.  Now, as far as the dump, if you are talking about the old, old 
corrals down at the bottom of the hill before the mid corrals at the top of 
the hill back down to the new corrals at the same place as the old corrals, 
it wasn't a dump.  When Dad put in the new corrals, we tore up all the old 
ones, placing them in a giant pile on the southwest side.  It was mostly 
buildings, a few animal carcasses and lots and I do mean lots of manure.  We 
used to play "King on the mountain" on it.  Since then it has settled quite 
a bit, losing most of the mountain appeal.  Hope that helps.

Hope Mom has sent you pictures of Dad's tree.  The lady that owns the area 
wrote one of my co-workers (the one that ordered the tree), thanking him for 
us going out there.  She also said that if we have any suggestions or 
comments to let her know.  So if you guys have anything you would like to 
add, let me or Mom know.

I love you all and miss you very much.  Wish I was there helping you but if 
I have to just show up like a tourist--I can do that.  I do expect a special 
rate though (let Toni know!).

I have to go now and e-mail Kris, to wish her a belated birthday. So tell 
her to check her e-mail.  Let everyone know that if any of you get tired of 
the building, planning and creating and want to get away for awhile, you can 
come on down.  I'll keep you entertained.

Love you Lo,


   Who ever said you didn't have any brains?  After reading that very fine 
web site, I will never accuse you of that again.  Kinda smelly, maybe, but 
plenty of brains.  That is one very fine web site and very fine 
writing.  Please bring us more!!!!
   Love John
I will be give more updated reports next week, keep those cards and letters coming and if anyone has e-mail addresses for the folks in North Dakota let me know. Wish you could all be here enjoying this with us.
Also a Big Hello for our friends looking in on the website, Larry Smith in Washington, Carol Crockett in Montana, Jenny May and Hillary Hammond in Idaho.
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