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Progress Report

November 10, 2000

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We have a new home page on the web site as you may have noticed, if you have gotten to this page you must have figured it out. There are going to be four pages, the History Ranch will tell about all the progress on the lodge and our new business venture. Family News will be a place for us to all keep up with each other .Ja Neanne has promised to send pictures of Garrick's birthday.  This week Marilyn has written about our Carolina Clan and Cher has given us her perspective of her wonderful hunting experience. Reminiscin' is all the stories we can remember about the ranch and a place for the poems and things that have  been written over the years. It's seems that every generation feels that their childhood on the ranch was the best, therefore I invite you, nay I Challenge each of you to write a "Top That" Story about your (and your cohorts) experiences on the ranch.. The final page is for the El Rancho Headache Gazette, the newsletter that Annette and Shirley wrote back in the '50's. It might not be up this week but I will try to get it up soon. Anytime any of you want to contribute something to the web page just send it on to me. It means less work for me to do. Well on to the progress.

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Keith is descending the new staircase which of course goes up to the second floor, which of course is not there yet. It is suppose to be up sometime next week. So we will have the story on the second story next time.
These pictures were taken Nov. 5th, we didn't have snow then but it was a cold windy day. So when we climbed up the stairs we didn't stay up there long because we thought we might get blown off.

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Here is the inside of the new lodge all walled up, there are some beautiful picture windows but for some reason Kent and Travis are such wimps they want to keep warm while they are working. I must apologize for calling them wimps. We went up this weekend and I couldn't stay out very long, it is darn cold!
This is the framed walls of the kitchen, the window is where the sink will go and then the doorway leads into the pantry.

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This is taken from the front door of the lodge, the room to the right is a guest room that is wheel chair accessible, well of course it's wheel chair accessible now because it doesn't have any walls. Across to the left is a bathroom and laundry room.
Okay don't laugh, I am working on my first brain tanned hide. It smelled pretty putrid when I took it out of the brains. A lot of people were helping me stretch it. Dustin asked why does it smell like poop? I said because it had been soaking in brains and Toni quipped in "yeah and the guy had shit for brains."

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Well, I hate to admit that my first hide did not turn out as well as I had hoped. I would like to blame it on the fact that the dogs drug it out of the brains, which they did, and there is nothing in the manual about trouble shooting for when critters get into your hides. But I think the problem was before that so I am going to wait a couple of weeks and try again.
I had thought the other day of starting up my massage business again. Then I was thinking I could have business cards made up that say "Laurel's Massage Parlor and Hide Tanning" however it left with the same feeling I got when I saw a sign that said "Dog Grooming and Hair Salon". It just leaves you with this cold feeling and a lot of best left unanswered question.

I have decided to make a model tipi out of my hide that did not turn out so well. Some parts of it were soft like it was supposed to be but other parts turned out pretty stiff.

Kent says they are going to start putting the walls up on the second story,. We have snow out here now, so I am really grateful that I am not on the building crew. Those guys have really been working hard. The windows were delivered yesterday and I think they picked up all the bathtubs,  sinks etc. for the rooms upstairs. Kent says they needed to have those before they could start framing in the walls up there.

Toni, Kent, Clint, Travis and Tanner went up with the BLM people and Ross Copeland to see the camp that we are buying up there. (This is the BLM camp not the Forest Camp up on Nylander) It was decided that we would not use this for a hunting camp since it sits in the middle of the area where Copelands take their clients to hunt. But Ross generously offered us some corrals and a cabin that we could take guests to in the summer. So it worked out best for all.

Kent is studying for his outfitter's license and several of us are going to take the CPR class on November 29th

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E-mail: laurel@wrws.com  & clint@sublette.com